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ClickRSVP Quiz

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Please note this quiz is anonymous and for your enjoyment only - no personal information is collected.

1. Have you ever missed a deadline for an important customer announcement? Please select one of the following images.
2. Do you think your department (or current vendors) could do a better, and more timely, job at executing customer communications? Please select one of the following images.
3. Are your emails mobile-responsive? Please select one of the following images.
4. Do your emails, surveys and other digital communications lack cohesiveness and brand consistency? Please select one of the following images.
5. Are you (and your team) wearing “too many hats” to accomplish your email marketing objectives? Please select one of the following images.
6. Ever had a major “oops” moment when an email was sent with a typo or incorrect information? Please select one of the following images.
7. Is the lack of fresh data and automation stunting the effectiveness of your customer communications? Please select one of the following images.